Thursday, April 22, 2010

Welcome to our world!

Greetings and welcome to the DANCE OF RACE AND ENVIRONMENT !

This initiative begins with movement explorations by groups of Stanford students ( many of whom do not have extensive dance focus but are fearless in trying unfamiliar ways of learning) in order to generate creative response to the project's theme. From a gymnasium to an outdoor courtyard with fountain, to a grassy field with a serpentine formation of stones, we have begun kinetic understanding of the internal and external landscapes that shape and are shaped by groups of people, in their colors of the rainbow.

We are also generating student-initiated readings and research materials, to build collaborative leadership skills. Our interactive dialogue extends beyond the course participants, to various departments, cultural consultants, and community members, so all are welcome to sign in and comment or post relevant articles, images, weblinks. We will also be posting announcements such as for upcoming related environment or cultural events in the area. This is your community of many races, your environment, and your dance - come join us !

1 comment:

  1. This is an interesting website to take a look at...a really inspiring man doing similar sort of work with diversity in our area (I think he's in the East Bay)
