Thursday, April 29, 2010

Loss, Legacy, & Love

Today the earth is being enriched by all that is Soror Dorothy Irene Height. Holding numerous positions in her lifetime, she paved the way for numerous Civil Rights Leaders. In her 98 years she lived life to the utmost. She served as an inspiration and a beacon of life.

She is an inspiration for me because of the way she navigated her identity as a feminist as well as a person of color. I aspire to be a facilitator of change. In this process people have often spoke of the 'right timing'. Soror Height put it in to perspective when she said,
"If the times aren't ripe, you have to ripen the times."

Today The Washington Post, The Chicago Defender, and USA Today are covering the legacy the 'godmother of the Civil Rights Movement' created. Although it is a sad occasion, I like to think of it as a celebration and rededication of myself to community service. As I create a piece about Soror Height, I hope I can embody all that she has meant to me.

The Loss of Soror Height left a Legacy... a Legacy of Love of community service.

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