Monday, April 26, 2010

Week One

We quickly found that project participants didnt necessarily feel included by the original 1800's terminology of Race ( still referenced in as 'definition' in some source books)  - as in MONGOLOID, CAUCASOID and NEGROID, nor the terminology offered  in the current census 

( you can check out the census at Or, a website that offers another alternative:  . Suggestions for other viewpoints? Please add ! )

We explored these and other labels in a 'racial' version of the game TWISTER. 

Using OF BODIES OF ELEMENTS cardinal themes as a starting point, we explored 'Origin stories' at the Stone River installation by Andy Goldsworthy which was conceived as a tribute to the Ohlone Nation - the original inhabitants of the area.  

This image was one of three, offered by Jazmin Holmes, to illustrate her origins. Thank you Jaz !

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